The patient, Ali Al-Daher, visited the health center in the district of Baadinli
The patient, Ali A, 85 years old, has visited the internal clinic of our health center in the district of Badanli, located in the Afrin district, with a complaint of a chronic productive cough of a significant amount of sputum for a long time, with fatigue and respiratory distress.
On clinical examination, it was found that the patient had been a smoker for a very long period of more than 50 years. Auscultation of the chest revealed the presence of inspiratory-expiratory wheezing with crackles generally in the pulmonary area.
A nebulization session with salbutamol was conducted for ten minutes and a slight improvement in respiratory symptoms was noted, then a plain chest X-ray was performed to exclude some diseases that cause similar symptoms such as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis or some cancerous lesions.

The results showed polmunary infiltrates in the navelina wich is compatible with a chronic inflamatory event with emphysima
The patient was diagnosed with a disease common in elderly smokers called “COPD = Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”.
The patient was also experimentally placed on a salbutamol spray at a rate of two doses per day for a month with guidance on the correct use of the spray, in addition to providing him with an antibiotic and an expectorant drink.
During the next visit, the patient was educated on the need to stop smoking immediately.